Support Us

Since 2013, PeaceGold has brought together artisanal and small-scale miners, community-based organisations, and international non-governmental organisations, to support the working conditions and community cohesion of miners

Our dream is to see the story of conflict gold in eastern Congo transformed into one of peace and prosperity for the local communities.

Our Provenance


Only legally registered cooperatives can export gold through a legal Comptoir. The PeaceGold process uses a due diligence and traceability tool that identifies each gold mining pit where the gold comes from. This is not only a legal requirement, it also instils trust and confidence that our mining communities are committed to full transparency and maintaining high levels of trust.

Our Supply Chain


Transactional Framework 

Over the last 18 months we have worked with partner organisations such as Zahabu Safi and Levin Sources to develop a robust transactional framework. This framework maps every aspect of a gold trade from flow of the physical product, to the financial payments, security of the gold, the mining sites, transportation, export certificates and tax payments. This detailed map supports a truly transparent and traceable trade for PeaceGold.

ICGLR Certified 

All legal gold that leaves the DRC is required to be sealed with an ICGLR certificate. The ICGLR is short for International Conference of the Great Lakes Region. This certificate was established to strengthen the political institutions of the region to ensure greater levels of peace and justice whilst tackling corruption.

OECD Due Diligence for Responsible Sourcing 

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has created a set of requirements, alongside the ICGLR, that sets out the protocols that should be followed by any organisation or company that wishes to export the 3 T’s and Gold from a conflict affected region. A successful export of PeaceGold™ will have met these OECD requirements, alongside the ICGLR expectations.

Craft Code


The Craft Code was established by Resolve and the Alliance for Responsible Mining. This innovative way of creating best practice in artisanal small-scale mining, allows for the ASMO (artisanal small-scale organisation) to grow and develop in best practice through a process of continual improvement. It is not a certification system, but does require the ASMO to report on progress in the following areas:

  • Health safety in the mine
  • Use of chemicals such as mercury or cyanide
  • Child labour monitoring and remediation
  • Trading standards
  • Gender equality
  • Anti-corruption and money laundering practices

Review the full content of the CRAFT CODE

PeaceGold Programme


  • Children’s rights: Supporting children’s rights and their transition back into education by eliminating child labour in the mining process
  • Removing mercury: Mercury free processing of gold
  • No premiums being charged: Due to PeaceGold’s unique approach to community development and peacebuilding, we do not need to charge a social premium for our gold. Member cooperatives undertake this work through their own income streams and commitment to building peace in their communities.
  • Demobilisation and reintegration of ex militia: CRC have a comprehensive process for the demobilisation of militia and reintegration strategy back into civil society for ex-militia. The PeaceGold mining COOP’s form a foundational element in this reintegration strategy, by offering legitimate work and an income for the workers.
  • Peacebuilding and conflict resolution training: CRC undertake extensive training and psycho-social counselling with former combatants and with individuals affected by violence in their communities.
  • Social development fund: Each PeaceGold cooperative agrees to dedicate 1% of their traded income to a community development fund that is administrated by Coop members, representatives from the local community and civil society organisations.

What is a Makers Mark?

A makers mark is a term used in the jewellery trade to signify that an item of jewellery has been created by a specific jeweller or jewellery brand. It can also be a term that is applied to bullion products, such as gold bars, coins or ingots. The makers mark symbol or initials are stamped in the physical gold product or jewellery so that the items being sold, used or worn can be easily attributed to the maker.

The PeaceGold Mark has been designed to act as a makers mark for gold which is sold from the PeaceGold cooperative mine sites. We have created a distinct identity that guarantees the provenance and supply chain traceability of our gold. 

Who owns the PeaceGold Makers Mark?

The PeaceGold makers mark, trademark and brand collateral are held by Peace Direct on behalf of Centre Resolution Conflict and the PeaceGold Cooperatives in Congo. PeaceGold is a registered trademark in the UK & Europe.

Application of the PeaceGold Makers Mark.

The PeaceGold makers mark can be applied in the following ways by individuals or companies who use PeaceGold in their business. It is designed to signify to buyers and consumers that the gold in this product has come from a legitimate PeaceGold Coop. The PeaceGold mark is available as a stamp for jewellery, for moulds for bullion products and in a digital format for press, publicity, social media and laser etching for jewellery items.

Who can apply for the PeaceGold makers mark?

Anyone who is registered within the PeaceGold supply chain including: goldsmiths, jewellery brands, bullion dealers and refiners.

Buying Peacegold

Creating a transparent supply chain


PeaceGold partners are in the final stages of creating a dedicated, traceable supply chain for the gold from our cooperatives. Our desire is to build a transparent supply chain for PeaceGold with dedicated long-term partners who buy, use and create with our unique gold.

We are currently inviting expressions of interest from interested parties, whom we will contact in due course with further information, such as refiners, manufacturers, goldsmiths, jewellers and jewellery brands, to fill out our expressions of interest form. When we have completed creating our traceable export platform we will contact everyone with details of where they can buy.


Expressions of interest