Through PeaceGold, cooperatives benefit from accompaniment to reintegrate ex-combatants, invest in conflict resolution skills, and secure a pathway to legally exporting gold from conflict and high risk areas.
Support us to bring peace and fairness to the trade of gold, lets unite.
Driving peace through community-led initiatives drives our work.
Our Aim
Traceable origins
Removing child labour
Community-based psycho-social support
Transparent, legalised supply chain
Investment into local community
Ethical and environmental protection
Creation of a community-led social fund
Rehabilitating former combatants
PeaceGold supports mines in their mission to legally export gold, eradicate child labour, improve livelihoods, and provide psychosocial support to miners and the community
Our mission is to see gold in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo become a tool for peace and prosperity for local communities.